Monday, May 23, 2011

The Black Madonna

The Black Madonna played a big part in this book. She was the picture that August put on all the honey jars so I decided to look up what it is.
A Black Madonna is a statue or painting of Mary in which she is depicted with dark skin, especially those created in Europe in the medieval period or earlier. In this sense "Black Madonna" does not apply to images of the Virgin Mary portrayed as explicitly black African, which are popular in Africa and areas with large black populations, such as Brazil and the United States. So that is what a Black Madonna is. (the picture above is a Black Madonna)

Book Quotes

Another thing I enjoyed about this book was the quotes at the beginnning of a chapter. They sort of gave you an idea of what was going to happen. When the quote said "A bees life is but short...Workers die before they have reached even that age", May died. It's almost like that quote is foreshadowing the chapter ahead.

Least Favorite Chapter

My least favorite chapter in this book is the first one. Everything bad happens to Lily and Rosaleen. It's almost like a big chapter of depression. Things don't turn better until Lily runs away in the next chapter.

Book Cover

<- Turns out there's about 10 different covers for this book! I thought there was only one cover for Secret Life of Bees.


If you could be any character from the book, which one would you be? Why would you be this character?

Favorite Chapter

My favorite chapter in this book was probably chapter 12. In this chapter Lily learns that her mom actually did love her. Lily has had such a horrible life and now she finally had something good happen to her. I'm glad that she learned the truth

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Working at Beehives

I thought it was surprising that Lily enjoyed working at the beehives so much. Seeing as she spent almost her whole life working on the peach farms, I thought she'd be tired of work. Working at beehives is probably even harder then selling peaches because there's a chance of getting stung and then you could die.
<- that is a picture of what the beehives might've looked like.

Peanuts and Coke

     When I read this book I wondered about Lily's favorite snack. I've never heard of peanuts in Coke before. It's also wierd how August likes it too because there's such a small chance of two people who like that meeting.

     I think that that would taste gross. Wouldn't the peanuts just sink to the bottom of the glass anyway?
No never mind I just looked it up and they won't sink! (see picture)
Either way I think that peanuts are gross, so I don't think I'll be trying that soon.

My Least Favorite Character

      My least favorite character would probably have to be T-Ray. I say this for many reasons. One is that he made Lily kneel on grits! What kind of person could think of that punishment? He also lied about Deborah hating Lily. I bet the only reason he said that was becuase that Deborah hated him.

    Another reason i don't like T'-Ray is because he tried to take Lily away from the Boatwright's house. How comce he couldn't understand that Lily was finally happy. (He probably doesn't have feelings). If he did then he would realize that he shouldn't go looking for Lily, but that he should just let her go.

My Favorite Character

     I think my favorite character in this book would have to be May. She is my favorite character because she is kind to everyone no matter what. Even if she doesn't even know a person she will still show them kindness and compassion. For example when Lily and Rosaleen first showed up to the house May was nice to them.

     It wasn't fair that May's twin sister had to die. May didn't do anything to deserve such a terrible thing happen to her. Even after April died May was still loving to everyone. I think that if anyone deserved to have their twin die it woiuld be June. She was the meanest sister of the three.